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By the numbers 2023-24 data

Facilities Management: How We Support UVA

Our Employees

There were 1,181 total full-time positions in Facilities Management in the 2023-24 fiscal year.

During the annual Service Awards events in 2024, 124 employees celebrated 2,365 years of collective service.

2024 Major Capital Plan

In June 2024, the Board of Visitors approved the 2024 Major Capital Plan for the Academic Division, UVA Health, and UVA’s College at Wise totaling $2.06 billion ($1,094 million in construction, $511.3 million in planning/design; $451.7 million authorized but not yet initiated)

A pie chart of projects under construction: $1094 million, 54%; Projects in planning/design: $511.3 million (25%); Projects not yet initiated: $451.7 million (22%)

Historical Capital Project Expenditures

Since FY2015, capital project expenditures — construction, renovation, infrastructure, maintenance reserve, and acquisitions — across all three divisions total nearly $3.1 billion ($2.1 billion for the Academic Division, $918 million for UVA Health, and $49 million for the College at Wise), averaging nearly $310 million each year.

Bar chart of historical capital project expenditures. Fiscal year 2024 totals $441 million: $419 million for academic division; $12 million for UVA Health; $9 million for College at Wise. This is an increase over 2023's total of $305 million.

Figures in millions

Buildings & Grounds

  • 19.06 million square feet for all UVA facilities, includes:
    • 8 million square feet in Academic (E&G) Division
    • 6.76 million square feet in the Auxiliary Division (includes Athletics and Housing)
    • 4.29 million square feet in UVA Health Division
  • 554 buildings and corresponding infrastructure in the UVA portfolio, with a conservatively estimated replacement value of $7.6 billion.
  • 908,709 assignable square feet of research labs and research lab service.
  • 381,061 assignable square feet of classroom space.
  • 6.07 miles of utility tunnels.
  • 231 miles of underground heating (steam/condensate, medium temperature hot water), cooling (chilled water), water/sewer and storm sewer distribution lines
  • 3,304 solar panels on Grounds (1,715 UVA owned, 1,589 Dominion owned).
  • 123,800 solar panels off-Grounds at UVA Hollyfield Solar and UVA Puller Solar facilities.
  • 300 vehicles and 93 pieces of equipment and trailers in the Facilities Management fleet, including 42 electric and hybrid assets.

E&G Facilities Condition Index

The Facility Condition Index (FCI) indicates the condition of UVA's portfolio of buildings by dividing the value of the maintenance backlog by the replacement value. An FCI of 5 percent or less is considered to be in good condition.


  • 44.8% reduction in carbon emissions since 2010.
  • 24.8% reduction in potable water use since 2010.
  • 36.8% reduction in total waste generated since 2010, with 38.6% diverted from landfills in 2023, although a 10.8% increase in landfilled waste between 2022 and 2023.
  • 34% reduction in reactive nitrogen losses to the environment since 2010, which exceeds the 2030 goal of 30%.
  • 37% of food and beverage purchases were sustainable in 2023 (includes UVA Dine and the University Medical Center). This exceeds the 2030 goal of 30%.

Occupational Programs

  • 51 safety plan reviews and 28 site/workplace inspections by Occupational Health & Safety.
  • 182 new employees trained during employee onboarding.
  • 47 participants completed the Supervisor Journey program.
  • 108 attendees of trade-specific professional development, including 47 attending the Plumbing Trades Seminar, which is part of the newly launched quarterly trades seminars.
  • 40 in-person participants and 86 online views of recorded topics of the new Lunch & Learn series, which included five different sessions covering topics to help employees build a better understanding of FM processes.
  • 96 total participants in six different team training sessions customized for each team based on request.
  • 13 multi-craft apprentices hired during the 2024 fiscal year recruitment cycle.
  • 800 employees attended Mental Health in the Workplace training sessions and 24 employees completed Mental Health First Aider training, an 8-hour course that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders