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9. Employee Profiles Sonya Swiderski

Sonya Swiderski portrait

What’s your title?

Finance Generalist.

Can you briefly describe what you do?

I provide financial support to the Operations and Health System areas of Facilities Management.

How long have you worked at Facilities Management?

I have worked here for almost three years.

What do you feel was your greatest accomplishment at work this past year?

Providing support and training through the transition to Workday Financials.

Where did you grow up?

West coast of Florida.

Did you have a dream job as a child?

Yes, my dream job was to be a ballerina.

What do you like to do in your time outside of work?

I am currently working on my bachelor’s degree, so a lot of time outside of work goes to school. Any extra time goes to my 16-year-old daughter. We enjoy thrift shopping and, well, any kind of shopping really.

Who or what inspires you and why?

Any human that advocates for others no matter how big or small their audience. There are so many amazing selfless humans who put themselves out there to try to make a difference for others.

Can you share a great piece of advice you’ve been given?

Pick your battles. I tend to want to dive into every issue, and that is not always a good use of my time. Something else that always sticks with me is the advice to “put love in your heart.” Life often gives us moments when we may be frustrated with people or a situation and this reminds me to slow down and be compassionate.

What is the best part of your day?

The moment I walk in the door at home and my dog greets me with the same abundance of love he expressed the day before without fail.

What’s one place in the world that you would like to visit that you haven’t before?

I would love to take my daughter on a Scandinavian tour.