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9. Employee Profiles Sheila Jones

Sheila Jones portrait

What’s your title?

Logistics Supervisor.

Can you briefly describe what you do?

I oversee the receipt, distribution, organization, and management of inventory at warehouses or other storage facilities. They work independently and oversee other staff, focusing on time management, productivity, accuracy, efficiency within facilities, and maintenance of a highly organized and safe workplace.

How long have you worked at Facilities Management?

I’ve been at FM for five-six years but at UVA for 26 years.

What do you feel was your greatest accomplishment at work this past year?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, I found all necessary items related to Covid 19 while dealing with shortages and staff schedules as rotating shifts, except I didn’t do a rotating schedule or work from home. I made sure to find all necessary materials needed for staff and other UVA customers.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Washington DC but raised in Nelson County.

Did you have a dream job as a child?


What do you like to do in your time outside of work?

Keeping my grandsons.

Who or what inspires you and why?

The lady that raised me (I called her Mom) who’s no longer with me — she always inspired me by her wisdom and encouragement. She had both legs taken off and she still smiled and pushed through pain and was always grateful. She taught me to be independent and work hard.

Can you share a great piece of advice you’ve been given?

My mom always said work hard at what you want and learn to be independent and not rely on a man.

What is the best part of your day?

Going to the babysitter to get my grandson — he’s my end of the day blossom.

What’s one place in the world that you would like to visit that you haven’t before?

A cruise to Jamaica and Hawaii.