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9. Employee Profiles Corey Hoffman

Corey Hoffman portrait

What’s your title?

Project Coordinator, a new role I started in October 2021. Previously I worked at the FM Service Desk as a Facilities Services Coordinator.

Can you briefly describe what you do?

I support the Capital Construction and Renovations team on various construction projects. I also act as a liaison between vendors, contractors and the University. It is our job along with the Project Managers to help ensure projects stay on budget and on schedule.

How long have you worked at Facilities Management?

This November will be four years of working here full time. I worked as a temp for about a year before that, so almost five years at FM total!

Where did you grow up?

I moved to Charlottesville from Flemington, NJ when I was in sixth grade. I have lived here ever since pretty much.

Did you have a dream job as a child?

I wanted to be a DJ.

What do you like to do in your time outside of work?

I really enjoy brewing beer, so I try to do that as much as possible when time allows. I also enjoy traveling to new places with my wife and hanging out with friends.

Who or what inspires you and why?

I get inspired by different things every day, but I will say one thing that always inspires me is seeing others from humble beginnings be successful. People who have charted their own course and carved a path to get to where they want to be or think they should be. Those who triumph despite circumstances, setbacks and hardships inspire me to keep pushing every day to be my best.

Can you share a great piece of advice you’ve been given?

“When you think you’re done working or completing a task always ask what more can be done.” My mom told me that a long time ago. It’s a simple thing to do but it shows you’re eager to do more and willing to go above and beyond to get things done.

What is the best part of your day?

I’d say the best part of my day is interacting with my co-workers and the various employees of FM. We truly have some incredible and awesome people that make up our organization!

What’s one place in the world that you would like to visit that you haven’t before?

I would love to see Europe, specifically England and Germany. I would love to try the beers there! I’ve also never been to California so that is on my list as well.